Laboratory Manual for Introductory Chemistry : Concepts and Critical Thinking

Emphasizing environmental considerations, Corwin's acclaimed Laboratory Manual for Introductory Chemistry offers a proven format of a pre-laboratory assignment, a stepwise procedure, and a post-laboratory assignment. More than 500,000 students to date in Introductory Chemistry, Preparatory Chemistry, and Allied Health Chemistry have used these experiments successfully. The 7th Edition continues to evolve with increased sensitivity to environmental and safety concerns in the laboratory. Recycle icons in the margin of each procedure alert students to recycle chemical waste and "green chemical" indicators remind students to use the appropriate waste containers provided to dispose of chemicals. Corwin's lab manual can be packaged with any Pearson Intro Prep Chemistry book.

Об авторе (2018)

About our author Charles H. Corwin has spent over 30 years teaching chemistry to over 12,000 students. He has taught general chemistry, organic chemistry, and quantitative analysis, but has focused primarily on introductory chemistry for the personal rewards it offers.

Библиографические данные

Название Laboratory Manual for Introductory Chemistry: Concepts and Critical Thinking
What's New in Chemistry Series
Автор Charles Corwin
Издание: 7, иллюстрированное
Издатель Pearson Education, Incorporated, 2018
ISBN 0134720148, 9780134720142
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 352
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan